Various Shooting Functions
Setting a still image format
In the [Shooting] menu, the still image format, size, and aspect ratio can be
selected in [Still Image Format].
Format/Size o :
Records a q sized RAW file (DNG format).
p :
Records a RAW file simultaneously with a q sized JPEG file.
q :
16M (3:2)
r :
10M (3:2)
s :
5M (3:2)
u :
1M (3:2)
Aspect ratio 3:2/4:3/1:1
Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Whentheaspectratioissetto[3:2]or[1:1],blackbandsmayappearatthelowersideorrightandleft
sides of the picture display.
• Inthe[KeyCustomOptions]menu,[ImageSize]and[AspectRatio]canberegisteredtousein[ADJ.
Inthe[KeyCustomOptions]menu,if[JPEG> RAW]and[JPEG> RAW+]aresetin[SetFnButton],
the file format can be switched using a button only.
• Inthe[Shooting]menu,if[Cropto35mm]issetto[On],thenormal28mmangleofviewwillchange
to 35mm, and the screen display will also change. In this case, q cannot be selected, and RAW
files will be recorded as r.Inthe[KeyCustomOptions]menuif[Cropto35mm]issetin[SetFn
Button], 28mm/35mm can be switched using a button only. (GP. 107)
Shooting RAW images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Inthe[Playback]menu,RAWfilescanbemanipulatedin[RAWDevelopment]orusingtheincluded
software:SILKYPIXDeveloperStudio3.0LEforPENTAXRICOHIMAGING.(GP. 93, P. 122)
• ThefollowingfunctionswillnotbereflectedinRAWfiles.Inthe[Playback]menu,[Effect]and[Dy-
• Effect
• DynamicRangeCorrection
• DateImprint
When p is set, the functions mentioned above will only be reflected in JPEG files.