Camera Care and Storage
Caring for the Camera
• Photographscanbeaffectedbyfingerprintsandotherforeignmatteronthe
lens. Avoid touching the lens with your fingers. Remove dust or lint with a blow-
er from a camera supply store, or gently clean the lens with a soft, dry cloth.
Clean the picture display by wiping it with a soft cloth dampened with a small
amount of any monitor cleaner that does not contain organic solvents.
• Cleanthecamerathoroughlyafterusingitatthebeachorhandlingcosmet-
ics. Do not expose the camera to volatile substances such as thinner, benzene,
or pesticides. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to the
camera or its finish.
• Intheunlikelyeventofmalfunction,visitaPENTAXRICOHIMAGINGRepairCen-
• Thecameracontainshigh-voltagecircuits.Donotdisassemble.
• Thepicturedisplayiseasilyscratched,avoidtouchingitwithhardobjects.
• Donotstorethecamerawhereitwillbeexposedto:extremeheatorhumidity,
large changes in temperature or humidity, dust, dirt, or sand, severe vibration,
prolonged contact with chemicals, including mothballs and other insect repel-
lent, or with vinyl or rubber products, strong magnetic fields (for example, in
the vicinity of a monitor, transformer, or magnet).
• Removethebatteriesiftheproductwillbeleftunusedforalongperiodoftime.
Before Cleaning
• Turnthecameraoffandremovethebattery.