Stall detect
Syntax aSTALLon/off(error_window,mode,output)
Description The STALL command is used to enable stall detect. To use this command
an encoder must be connected to X2 to monitor the system’s actual position.
The on/off parameter takes the values of 1 for ON and 0 for OFF and has a
default value of OFF. If the error between demanded position and encoder
position exceeds the error window, then the drive will generate a stall fault.
A stall fault will cause the ST LED on the front panel to go from green to red
and the optional output (if specified) to switch to a ‘1’. Motion is stopped,
status bit 18 is set (possible stall), drive fault bit 1 is set (composite fault) and
drive fault bit 19 is set (stall condition). The drive will remove any pending
commands from its input buffer, and abort any program that is running.
Setting the mode parameter to ‘1’ will run a fault routine (if one is defined)
once the motor has stopped. No further action is taken if the mode
parameter is set to ‘0’.
The fault condition will clear when the next G (go), GH (go home), any ON
command or Z (reset) command is received. The output (if specified) will
revert to ‘0’ and the ST LED will change back to green. All status and drive
bits will be reset. When stalled, the optional output can be reset using the O
command, but this will not reset any status or drive faults.
Because distance units can be changed using scaling, you must set the
value of the EM system variable. If EM is positive, the encoder port X2
expects to see A leading B when the motor shaft rotates clockwise.
Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, saved by SV
Parameter Range Units Default
on/off 1 ON, 0 OFF See table of 0
error window 0 to 65535 distance 4000
Mode on stall 1 run fault, 0 no fault units 0
output 0 to 3 (0 = no output) 0
Example 1STALL1(100,1,3) ; Stall detect on. Use 100 step error window
; Run fault if stall detected and turn ON o/p 3