Syntax Units Range of ‘n’ Default See also
aDeclare(label) - - - CLEAR
All labels, apart from START, REG, NOREG & FAULT need to be declared
at the beginning of the program using a DECLARE command. Labels
consist of up to 5 upper case alphanumeric characters terminated with a
colon (:), but a label must begin with an alpha character. Choose a name
that is relevant to the operation being performed, or a system label name.
To terminate a code block use ‘END’ (no colon).
You can use up to 20 labels, although four of these have already been
allocated to START, REG, NOREG and FAULT, leaving sixteen for general
Only declare labels in the command line or inside the START label. If you
wish to upload your program all declarations must be made within the
START label.
If a label has been declared, but not defined, a run time error will be signalled
when it is called by a GOTO, GOSUB or LOOP command.
When a label has been declared and defined, clearing it will only get rid of
the definition, the declaration will remain. Declarations can only be cleared
using a CLEAR(ALL).
Typing aDECLARE by itself will list the percentage of memory used by each
label type.
Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block (but only within the
START label), saved by SV
1DECLARE(CUT2) ;declare label CUT2
*START 0.8%
*REG 0.0%
*NOREG 0.0%
*FAULT 0.0%
*CUT2 0.0%