October 1997
About This Guide
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This guide contains information needed to set up, configure, and operate HotWire
Model 7924-A1 T1 HDSL termination units. It is designed for central office
technicians or network engineers who have an understanding of the deployment
of digital subscriber line systems in a telephone company or private network
HotWire 7924 may be ordered either as a standalone unit (7924-A1-xxx) or as a
nest-mounted card (7924-B1-xxx) that fits in a HotWire 7900 nest. This guide
describes the installation and maintenance procedures for the standalone
version, Model 7924-A1-xxx.
Document Summary
Section Description
Chapter 1
About HotWire Model 7924 Termination Units
. Describes the
features of each version of the Model 7924, and typical
Chapter 2
Installing the Unit
. Describes how to install the unit and
make connections.
Chapter 3
Using Terminal and Switchpack Modes.
instructions for connecting a VT100-compatible terminal
user interface. Also describes how to make manual
configuration changes directly on the board hardware.
Chapter 4
Customizing DSX-1-Compatible Units
. Provides instructions
for modifying configuration options by using the terminal
interface or DIP switches and jumpers on the board.
Chapter 5
Customizing V.35-Compatible Units
. Provides instructions
for modifying configuration options by using the terminal
interface or DIP switches and jumpers on the board.