B. Standards Compliance for SNMP Traps
8784-A2-GB20-30 February 2001
Enterprise-Specific Traps
The enterpriseSpecific trap indicates that an enterprise-specific event has
occurred. The Specific-trap field identifies the particular trap that occurred. The
following table lists the enterprise-specific traps supported by the unit:
There are no variable-bindings for enterpriseDeviceFail and
enterpriseConfigChange. The variable-binding for enterpriseSelfTestFail is
SNMP Trap Description Possible Cause
enterpriseSelfTestFail(2) A hardware failure of the
unit is detected during the
unit's self-test. The trap is
generated after the unit
completes initialization.
Failure of one or more of the
unit's hardware components.
enterpriseDeviceFail(3) An internal device failure. Operating software has
detected an internal device
enterpriseTestStart(5) A test is running. At least one test has been
started on an interface.
enterpriseConfigChange(6) The configuration changed
via the user interface. The
trap is sent after
60 seconds have elapsed
without another change.
This suppresses the
sending of numerous traps
when multiple changes are
made in a short period of
time, as is typically the case
when changing
configuration options.
Configuration has been
changed via the ATI.
enterpriseTestStop(105) All tests have been halted. All tests have been halted on
an interface.