3. Initial Startup and Configuration
8784-A2-GB20-30 February 2001
Saving Configuration Changes
When changes are made to the configuration options through the Configuration
Edit/Display menu, the changes must be saved to take effect. Use the S
function key to go to the Save Configuration screen.
To save configuration options changes:
1. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the function keys area below the dotted line.
2. Select S
ave and press Enter.
If the Telnet Session configuration option is changed, a message displays on the
Save Configuration screen warning that an answer of Yes will cause the Telnet
session to disconnect. Do not answer Yes unless you are prepared to disconnect.
If the DSL Mode configuration option is changed, the Save Configuration screen
bears the warning that an answer of Yes will cause the system to reset. Do not
answer Yes unless you are prepared to reset the unit.
When Exit is selected before Save, or Save has been selected from any
Configuration/Edit menu, a Save Configuration screen appears that requires
a Yes or No response. If you select:
— Yes, the configuration is saved.
— No, the Main Menu reappears and changes are not saved.
main/config/saveprompt Hotwire
Slot: 4 Model: 8784
Save Changes? No
An answer of “yes” will cause the system
to reset as if it had been powered off and on!
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu MainMenu Exit
Command Complete