Setting Up
April 1998
Table 5-3. Synchronous Data Port Options (3 of 7)
Send All Ones on Data Port Not Ready
Possible Settings: Disable, DTR, RTS, Both
Default Setting: Both
Specifies the conditions on the synchronous data port that determine when valid data is
not being sent from the DTE. When this condition is detected, all ones are sent to the
network on the DS0 channels allocated to the port.
Disable – Interchange circuits from the DTE are not monitored. Data sent from the DTE
is always sent to the network for the port.
DTR – Monitors DTE Ready (DTR) to determine when valid data is sent from the DTE.
When DTR is off, all ones are sent to the network.
H DTR does not appear if Port Type is set to X.21.
RTS – Monitors Request to Send (RTS) to determine when valid data is sent from the
DTE. When RTS is off, all ones are sent to the network.
Both – Monitors both DTR and RTS to determine when valid data is sent from the DTE.
If either DTR or RTS is off, all ones are sent to the network.
H Both does not appear if Port Type is set to X.21.
Action on Network Yellow Alarm
Possible Settings: None, Halt
Default Setting: Halt
Specifies the action to take on the synchronous data port when a yellow alarm is
received on the network interface. (A yellow alarm indicates a problem with the signal
being transmitted to the network.)
None – No action taken when a yellow alarm is received.
Halt – Halts the transmission of data received on the synchronous data port and all
ones are sent on circuit BB (ITU 104) – Receive Data (RD) and circuit CB (ITU 106) –
Clear-to-Send (CTS) is deasserted to the port when a yellow alarm is received.
Network Initiated Data Channel Loopback (DCLB)
Possible Settings: Disable, V.54, FT1, Both
Default Setting: Disable
Allows the initiation and termination of the data channel loopback (V.54 loop 2) to be
controlled by the receipt of a DCLB-actuate and DCLB-release sequence (either V.54,
or FT1 [ANSI] compliant sequences) from the network or far end unit. When this
configuration is enabled (V.54, FT1, or Both), receiving a DCLB-actuate sequence on a
particular port causes the NAM to initiate a DCLB on that port (provided that a DCLB
can be performed based on the current state of the port and NAM). Receiving a
DCLB-release sequence terminates the DCLB.
Disable – Ignores the DCLB-actuate and DCLB-release for the port.
V.54 – DCLB-actuate and DCLB-release sequences that comply with the V.54 standard
for “inter-DCE signaling for point-to-point circuits” are recognized and will control the
initiation and termination of a DCLB (V.54 Loop 2) for the port.
FT1 – DCLB-actuate and DCLB-release sequences that comply with either the
ANSI.403, Annex B standard for “in-band signaling for fractional T1 (FT1) channel
loopbacks” are recognized and will control the initiation and termination of a DCLB for
the port.
Both – DCLB-actuate and DCLB-release sequences that comply with either the ANSI
or V.54 standard are recognized and will control the initiation and termination of a DCLB
for the port.