Setting Up
April 1998
Table 5-10. Communication Port Options (4 of 5)
Login Required
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Determines whether a user ID and password is required in order to log on to the
asynchronous terminal interface on the COM port.
H Login Required does not appear if Port Use is set to Net Link or Alarms.
Enable – Requires a user ID and password to access the asynchronous terminal
Disable – Does not require a user ID and password to access the asynchronous
terminal interface.
Port Access Level
Possible Settings: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
Default Setting: Level 1
Specifies level of user access privilege for the asynchronous terminal interface.
H Port Access Level does not appear if Port Use is set to Net Link or Alarms.
Level-1 – Allows full access and control of the device, including monitoring, diagnostics,
and configuration. The user can add, change, and display configuration options, save,
and perform device testing.
Level-2 – Allows limited access and control of the device. The user can monitor and
perform diagnostics, display status and configuration options information.
Level-3 – Allows limited access with monitoring control only. The user can monitor and
display status and configuration screens only.
Inactivity Timeout
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Determines whether a user session is disconnected after a specified time of inactivity
(no keyboard activity).
H Inactivity Timeout does not appear if Port Use is set to Net Link or Alarms.
NOTE: Changing this setting does not affect the current session; it changes all
subsequent sessions.
Enable – Disconnects user session after the specified time of inactivity.
Disable – Does not disconnect user session.
Disconnect Time (Minutes)
Possible Settings: 1 – 60
Default Setting: 5
Determines the amount of lapsed time before disconnecting a user session in minutes.
H Disconnect Time (Minutes) does not appear if:
– Port Use is set to Net Link or Alarms.
– Inactivity Time is set to Disable.
1 – 60 – Set the time from 1 to 60 minutes.