3. Configuration Options
3-52 December 2002 9000-A2-GB31-00
For easy movement between screens, select the DSXAssign function key to go
directly to the DSX-1 to Network Assignments screen.
Time Slot Assignment Rule:
Valid network time slots are either Available or contain a Frame Relay Link 1
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
→Configuration→Time Slot Assignment →
Link Layer Network Assignments
The Frame Relay Network Assignments screen appears. This screen contains
a matrix of the current assignment status of all time slots on the network
2. Enable or disable Time Slot Discovery.
— When enabled, the unit examines all time slots not cross-connected to
other ports to determine which time slots are being used by the network
for frame relay traffic. These time slots are set to FrameRly1. This is the
factory default.
— When disabled, time slot assignments must be manually configured.
3. If Time Slot Discovery is disabled, assign network time slots for use by frame
relay service, link 1, by typing FrameRly1 in the selected Network field.
4. Repeat Step 3 until all desired time slots are assigned.
5. S
ave the configuration.
Assigning DSX-1 Time Slots to the Network Interface
DSX-1 time slots are assigned by channel allocation, where you specify individual
time slots. The DSX-1 interface must be enabled to assign DSX-1 time slots to the
network interface (see Table 3-19, DSX-1 Physical Interface Options).
Value Meaning
Ntt It represents time slot tt of the selected network interface.
Assigned The time slot is already assigned to something other than a DSX-1
time slot, so it is unavailable. Assigned time slots cannot be modified
from this screen.
Available The time slot is currently unassigned.
DSX-1/tt Slot tt of the DSX-1 interface is assigned to the network interface
time slot identified right above it (Ntt).