9000-A2-GB31-00 December 2002 v
About This Guide
Purpose and Intended Audience
This document lists and describes the configuration options of the following
FrameSaver SLV CSU/DSUs and routers running firmware release 2.1 or above:
9123, 9126, 9128 standalone, 9128 carrier-mount, 9520, 9520-ILM, 9623, 9626,
9720, 9783, 9788, 9820-2M, 9820-8M, and 9820-45M.
Features introduced in firmware release 2.1 are described in this manual but may
not be available in all models.
Document Organization
A master glossary of terms and acronyms used in Paradyne documents is
available on the World Wide Web at www.paradyne.com. Select Support
Technical Manuals →Technical Glossary.
Section Description
Chapter 1, Configuration
Shows how to access and save configuration
Chapter 2, Basic Configuration Describes the Easy Install screens, how to set up
RIP, and using Auto-Configuration.
Chapter 3, Configuration Options Describes configuration options for CSU/DSUs and
Chapter 4, Feature-Specific
Provides procedures for setting up internal and
external modems, Data Backup Modules (DBMs),
and back-to-back operation.
Index Lists key terms, acronyms, concepts, and sections.