8335-A2-GB20-70 February 2003 v
About This Guide
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This guide contains information needed to set up, configure, and operate the
Hotwire ATM Line Cards, Models 8335, 8355, 8365, and 8385, and is intended for
installers and operators.
New Features for This Document Release
This version of the
Hotwire ATM Line Cards, Models 8335, 8355, 8365, and 8385,
User’s Guide
removes an appendix containing information about the Hotwire 6390
ReachDSL Modem. This information is now in the
Hotwire ReachDSL Modem,
Model 6390 with Inline Phone Filter, Installation and Operation Supplement
Document Number 6390-A2-GK40.
Document Summary
Section Description
Chapter 1,
About the Hotwire
ATM Line Cards
Describes the card’s features and capabilities.
Chapter 2,
Menus and Screens
Provides instructions for accessing the user interface
and navigating the screens.
Chapter 3,
Provides instructions for configuring the unit.
Chapter 4,
Describes how to use the LEDs, status messages, and
statistics to monitor the unit.
Chapter 5,
Provides instructions for viewing self-test results and
alarms, and for running an ATM Ping and line loopback
Chapter 6,
Provides instructions for clearing NVRAM, uploading or
downloading a configuration, downloading firmware,
and resetting the card.
Appendix A,
Shows the paths to configuration, monitoring, and
diagnostics screens.