8335-A2-GB20-70 February 2003 IN-1
Active Ports List screen, 4-5
Adaptive training
maximum downstream speeds, 3-17
maximum speeds, 3-21
maximum upstream speeds, 3-17
minimum downstream speeds, 3-17
minimum upstream speeds, 3-17
Alarm Profile
DSL Port Configuration screen, 3-14
Allowed Speeds
DSL Port Configuration screen, 3-21
multiple protocols, 1-4
voice over DSL, 1-4
ATI (Asynchronous Terminal Interface)
defined, 1-2
Aggregate Statistics screen, 4-16
Bus Failure alarm, 5-5–5-6, 5-8–5-9
clearing cross connections, 3-37
configuring cross connection, 3-28
Connection Status screen, 4-17
creating traffic profiles, 3-35
Cross Connect screen, 3-28
default traffic profiles, 3-33
defining traffic profiles, 3-32
display ATM Parameters, 4-11
display cross connections, 4-12–4-13
display traffic profiles, 4-14–4-15
monitoring, 4-11
Parameters screen, 3-26
Physical Layer, 4-5
screen, 3-24
Ping screen, 5-7, 5-10
round trip delay, 5-12, 5-14
segment endpoint, 3-25, 4-5
setting parameters, 3-26
Traffic Profiles screen, 3-32
Unknown Cell Log screen, 4-17
attainable line rate
displaying, 4-6–4-8
attenuation, 4-6–4-8
enabling/disabling, 3-8, 3-24
maximum speed, 3-8, 3-10, 3-24
minimum margin, 3-10
target margin, 3-10
bandwidth utilization, 3-27
bits per second
conversion to cells per second, 3-34
CAC Exceeded
Card Alarms screen, 5-5, 5-10
CAC Percent Bandwidth Utilization, 3-27
Card Information screen
Configuration branch, 3-2
Monitoring branch, 4-3
Card Reset screen, 6-5
Configuration branch, 6-5
Card Selection Screen (Hotwire chassis menu), 2-6
Card Status branch, 4-2
displaying, 4-14
specifying, 3-36
Cell Delineation Count
trap threshold, 3-26
cells per second
conversion to kbps, 3-34
in traffic profiles, 3-35
Circuit ID
specifying, 3-41
class of service
displaying, 4-14–4-15
specifying, 3-35
cross connections, 3-37
NVRAM, 6-2
Clear Cross Connects screen, 3-37
code download, 6-6
keyboard, 2-4
Config Loader screen
Configuration branch, 6-3