1. Introduction to Hotwire DSL Routers
1-4 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
Console Terminal Interface. Provides an interface for:
— Configuring and managing the DSL router
— Local console access
Management from an NMS using SNMP.
In addition, the following features are provided for the Hotwire 6351 ReachDSL
Telnet access to the Command Line Interface (CLI) in the service domain for
Network Service Provider (NSP) use.
TFTP client support for NSP service domain software downloads.
SYSLOG availability in the service domain.
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) client provided as defined in
RFC 2516.
Asymmetric maximum upstream/downstream setting.
Service Subscriber
The Service Subscriber is the user (or set of users) that has contracted to receive
networking services (e.g., Internet access, remote LAN access) for the end-user
system from an NSP (Network Service Provider). Service subscribers may be:
Residential users connected to public network services (e.g., the Internet)
Work-at-home users connected to their corporate intranet LAN
Commercial users at corporate locations (e.g., branch offices) connected to
other corporate locations or connected to public network services
A Hotwire DSL Router must be installed at the customer premises to provide the
end user with access to any of the above services.
If you would like more information on DSL-based services, applications, and
network deployment, refer to Paradyne’s The DSL Sourcebook. The book
may be downloaded or ordered through Paradyne’s World Wide Web site at