A. Command Line Interface
6300-A2-GB20-10 November 2003
show statistics [ eth1 | dsl1 | ip | bridge | pppoe | tftp]
(Continued from previous page)
show statistics dsl1
The following statistics are displayed for the DSL interface show statistics dsl1:
dsl1 statistics:
Service Domain Statistics: (end-user traffic)
Total Bytes Received nnnn
Total Bytes Transmitted nnnn
Total Frames Received nnnn
Total Frames Transmitted nnnn
Management Domain Statistics: (management traffic)
Total Bytes Received nnnn
Total Bytes Transmitted nnnn
Total Frames Received nnnn
Total Frames Transmitted nnnn
Total Frames Discarded nnnn
Zero valued discards are not shown
Refer to Table 5-3, Reasons for DSL Interface (dsl1) Discarded Frames, in Chapter 5,
Monitoring the DSL Router, for additional information.
show statistics ip
The following statistics are displayed for show statistics ip:
ip statistics:
Total Packets Received nnnn
Total Packets Transmitted nnnn
Total Packets Discarded nnnn
Zero valued discards are not shown
Refer to Table 5-4, Reasons for IP Processing Discarded Packets, in Chapter 5,
Monitoring the DSL Router, for additional information.
show statistics bridge
The following statistics are displayed for show statistics bridge:
bridge statistics:
Total Bytes Received nnnn
Total Bytes Transmitted nnnn
Total Frames Received nnnn
Total Frames Transmitted nnnn
Broadcasts Attempted to Broadcast nnnn
Non-brdcasts Attempted to Broadcast nnnn
Filtering Database Entries Aged nnnn
Frame Received While Database Full nnnn
Topology Changes nnnn
Forward Transitions nnnn
Bridge PDUs Received nnnn
Bridge PDUs Sent nnnn
Total Frames Discarded nnnn
Zero valued discards are not shown
Refer to Table 5-5, Reasons for Bridge Discarded Frames, in Chapter 5, Monitoring the
DSL Router, for additional information.
(Continued on next page)
Table A-17. Show Commands (8 of 10)