
98 July 2004 6212-A2-GB20-20
local loopback test: An analog loopback test that loops a device’s
transmitter output back to receiver input.
loopback: A diagnostic procedure where a test message is sent back to its
origination point, in order to isolate an equipment or data line problem.
LOS: Loss of Signal. A digital line condition where there are no pulses.
MAC address: Media Access Control address. The unique fixed address of
a piece of hardware, normally set at the time of manufacture and used in PAT
MAC: Medium Access Control, a protocol for determining which device has
access to the network at any one time.
Mbps: Megabits per second. One megabit is normally taken to mean
1,000,000 bits when speaking of data rates.
MCU: Multi-Commercial Unit. A commercial building or complex with multiple
MDU: Multi-Dwelling Unit. A residential building with multiple tenants.
MIB II: MIB Release 2. An update of the MIB standard, defined by RFC 1213.
MIB: Management Information Base. A database of managed objects used by
network management protocols to provide network management information
and device control.
modem: Modulator Demodulator. A device used to convert a digital signal
into an analog signal and vice-versa so that data can be transmitted over a
telephone line.
modulation: The process of varying the amplitude, frequency, or phase of
a carrier wave to form data transmissions.
multicasting: The ability of a network node to send the same data to
multiple endpoints.
multiframe: An ordered, functional sequence of frames on a multiplexed
digital circuit.
NAT: Network Address Translation is a transparent routing function that
translates a Private IP address on a PAT into a Public address that can be used in
a public network.
network address:
The network portion of an IP address.
network protocol: Network protocols encapsulate and forward data
packets from one interface to another.