
102 July 2004 6212-A2-GB20-20
upload: To receive a file transmitted over a network.
Uniform Resource Locator. An Internet standard addressing protocol for
describing the location and access method of a resource on the Internet.
USB: Universal Serial Bus. A bi-directional, isochronous, serial interface for
adding dynamically connectable peripheral devices, without the need for a
Unshielded twisted pair is the most common kind of copper telephone
Virtual Circuit. A logical connection or packet-switching mechanism
established between two devices at the start of transmission.
VCI: Virtual Channel Identifier. The 16-bit field in an ATM cell header that
specifies the virtual channel over which the cell is to be transmitted.
VDSL: Very-high-speed DSL. A DSL protocol running at up to 52 Mbps, that is
restricted to short distances.
virtual circuit: A logical circuit established between two devices at the
start of transmission
VOD: Video On Demand. A service that provides video to subscribers upon
VPI: Virtual Path Identifier
VPI: Virtual Path Identifier. The 8-bit field in an ATM cell header that specifies
the routing path for a cell.
VPN: Virtual Private Network. A network implemented over a public network
that is made “private” by use of encryption.
VT100: A terminal used for asynchronous communications.
WAN: Wide area network. A communications network that connects
geographically separated areas (Compare with LAN).
xDSL: A generic term for all varieties of DSL.
XOFF: A character that notifies a device to stop transmitting data.
XON: A character that notifies a device to start or resume transmitting data.