COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
3-24 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
Table 3-4
(6 of 6)
DTE Interface Configuration Options
TX Clock Source: Internal
Nxt Internal External RXC_Loop
This configuration option only appears when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Sync.
Transmit Clock Source. Determines the source of timing for synchronous data transmitted from the DTE.
Internal – The transmit data’s clock source is derived from the modem’s internal clock and output on Pin 15 (TXC) of the
RS-232D interface.
External – The transmit data’s clock source is provided by the DTE on Pin 24 (EXT) on the RS-232D interface. This
configuration option automatically disables Autorate, Automode, and Asymmetric Rate mode when running V.34
RXC Loop – The modem’s transmit clock is derived from its received signal and is output on Pin 15 (TXC) of the
RS-232D interface.
NOTE: This configuration option only appears if Async/Sync Mode is configured for Sync.
The factory default is Internal.
AT command equivalent is &X
DTE Rate=VF: Disable
End Disable Enable
DTE Rate = VF Rate. Forces the data rate of the connection between the DTE (computer) and the modem to be the
same as the VF (telephone line) rate.
Disable – The DTE rate is the value of the Async DTE Rate configuration option.
Enable – The DTE rate is identical with the VF rate.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command equivalent is S-register S90=