Index-33821-A2-GB20-40 January 1999
default configuration options, 2-5
setting with AT commands, 2-6
setting with DCP, 2-5
Dial, 3-9
Dial (ATD), 4-3
Dial Command modifiers
P (Pulse dial), 3-30
T (Tone dial), 3-30
dial command modifiers, 4-3
Dial Line Rate, 3-34
Dial Line Rate (S41), 4-19
Dial Stored Number (ATDS), 4-4
Dial Tone Detect, 3-30
dial tone detect (ATX), 4-6
dial tone wait, 4-3
Dialer Type, 3-30
dialing problems, C-3
disabled commands, 3-45
Disconnect, 3-9
Disconnect Delay
Receive Buffer, 4-18
Transmit Buffer, 4-21
disconnects, unsolicited, C-4
configuration options, 4-11
S-register, 4-5
Download Code, 3-48
download failure, 3-49, C-5
download latest firmware, 3-49, C-5
download-only mode, 4-7
DSR Control, 3-21
DSR Control (AT&S), 4-11
DTE connectors, 2-4
DTE Dialer Type, 3-25
DTE Interface, 3-18
DTE interface assembly, 2-3
DTE password, described, 7-2
DTE Rate, 3-19
in result codes, 4-6
problems, C-2
set to VF rate, 4-24
DTE Rate=VF Rate, 3-24
DTE status, 3-12
DTE-side password
backspace character, 7-10
number of tries, 7-9
termination character, 7-10
Alarm Reporting (S77), 3-46, 4-23
make busy via (S69), 4-22
DTR Action, 3-21
DTR Action (AT&D), 4-8
DTR Alarm Reporting, 3-46
DTR Continuous Repeat, 3-29, 4-18
echo command, 4-4
Edit Password Table, 7-4
Edit Strap Group, 3-15
EIA-232-E pin assignments, E-1
End (DCP option), 3-17
Enhanced Throughput Cellular (ETC), 3-35, 4-8, 4-9
Entry Wait Time, 7-9
equipment list, G-1
equipment required, 2-1
Erase All Passwords, 7-8
error codes (result codes), B-1
error control, 3-39
Error Control Fallback Character, 3-40
Error Control Fallback Character (AT%A), 4-12
Error Control Mode, 3-39
Error Control Mode (AT\N), 4-14
Error Control Negotiate Buffer, 3-40
Error Control Negotiate Buffer (AT\C), 4-13
error correction, extended result codes, 3-27
Escape Character, 3-25
Escape Guard Time, 3-26, 4-1, 4-17
escape sequence (+++), 4-1, 4-16
ETC (Enhanced Throughput Cellular), 4-8, 4-9, 4-25
Extended Result Codes, 3-27
extended result codes (ATX), 4-6
Factory configuration area, 3-15
factory default templates, 2-5
Fast Disconnect, 3-31, 4-24
+FCLASS command, 4-13
operation, 5-1
problems and solutions, C-4
software settings, 5-1
standards, 5-1
types supported, 1-1
features, 1-1
firmware cloning, 4-7
firmware download, 3-49, C-5
firmware revision number, 4-4
firmware upgrade, 3-48, 3-49, C-5
flow control
AT\Q command, 4-15
DTE to modem, 4-15
modem to DTE, 4-15
modem to modem, 3-42, 4-13
of DTE, 3-41
of modem, 3-41
of modem and DTE, 3-41
problems, C-2
XON/XOFF, 3-41
Flow Control of DTE, 3-41
Flow Control of Modem, 3-41
frame size, 3-43
frame size (\A), 4-13