Glossary-53160-A2-GB21-50 January 1997
Fact1 Factory 1 configuration area. The first of two configuration option sets that are
preset at the factory (read-only options).
Fact2 Factory 2 configuration area. The second of two configuration option sets that are
preset at the factory (read-only options).
failure An uncorrected hardware error.
fault An accidental condition that causes a functional unit to fail to perform its required
FCC Federal Communications Commission. A board of commissioners that regulates
electrical communication systems that originate in the United States.
FDL Facility Data Link. The selected framing bits in a wide-area link that are used for
control, monitoring, and testing.
Fractional T1 Individual DS0 channels that may be sold separately or in groups to provide
bandwidth that is some fraction of the total T1 capability.
frame One identifiable group of bits that includes a sequence of bits for control,
framing, etc.
frame relay A switching interface that is designed to get frames from one part of the network to
another as quickly as possible.
framing A technique that separates bits into identifiable groups.
Generic-Interface Extension
An extension to MIB II that defines additional objects for control of generic
interfaces in MIB II.
Get command (SNMP) Read-only access to SNMP MIB objects.
ground A physical connection to earth or other reference point.
HDLC High-level Data Link Control. A communications protocol defined by the
International Standards Organization (ISO).
host A computer system used for application processing on a network.
Hz Hertz. A unit of frequency that equals one cycle per second.
ICMP Internet Control Management Protocol. The protocol that enables in-band control,
diagnostic, and error messages to be passed between nodes in an IP internetwork.
ID branch Identity branch of the DSU/CSU menu tree.
interface A shared boundary between functional units.
Internet The worldwide interconnected collection of networks that predominantly use the
TCP/IP protocol.
internetwork An interconnected collection of networks (also called an internet).
IP address Internet Protocol address. The address used by the SNMP manager to access the
ISO International Standards Organization.
ITU International Telecommunications Union. The telecommunications agency of the
United Nations, established to provide standardized communications procedures
and practices.
kbps Kilobits per second (thousand bits per second).
LAN Local Area Network. A network that spans a small geographic area (e.g., a
LBO Line Build-out. The amount of attenuation of the transmitted signal that is used to
compensate for the length of wire between the transmitter and the receiver.