C-12 January 1997 3160-A2-GB21-50
Table C-5
(1 of 3)
Data Port Channel Configuration Options
Channel Config:
Dsply Clear DTE Prt1 Prt2 Prt3 Prt4
NOTE: The configuration options described in this table are made available by selecting Prt1, Prt2, Prt3, or Prt4
from the Channel Config screen. Table C-4 describes the DTE configuration options. For information
about the operation of Display and Clear, refer to the
Configuring DS0 Channels
section in Chapter 3,
Data Port Channel. Allows the assignment of a particular port to DS0 channels on either the network interface, the DTE
Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface, or another port (see the Assign To configuration option below).
NOTE: For 2-port DSU/CSUs, only Ports 1 and 2 are available; for 1-port DSU/CSUs, only Port 1 is available, and only
the Port Rate configuration option appears if you select this port.
Assign To: NET
Next NET DTE Prt
Data Port Channel Allocation Destination. Allows you to assign this port to DS0 channels on either the network interface,
the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface, or another port.
NET – Assigns this port to DS0 channels on the network interface.
DTE – Assigns this port to DS0 channels on the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface. If the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1)
interface is disabled, this selection does not appear.
– Assigns this port to another port, where
is the port number of all available ports except the port selected from the
Channel Config screen. For example, if you select Prt1 from the Channel Config screen, Prt2, Prt3, and Prt4 appear for
4-port DSU/CSUs. Use this feature to designate a port as a backup port. You can attach an external backup device to
and manually assign the selected port to the backup port (i.e., route data from the selected port to the backup port).
When a port is assigned to another port, DSR is turned on. Selecting Prt
and Next takes you directly to the Port Rate
configuration option, bypassing the Assign By configuration option. EDL (for 2-port and 4-port DSU/CSUs) does not
operate when a synchronous data port is assigned to another synchronous data port. Therefore, if EDL is enabled, it is
NOTE: Changing this configuration option from one T1 interface to the other (NET or DTE) deallocates all DS0 channels
assigned to the previous interface.
Assign By: Block
Next Block ACAMI Chan Prev
Data Port Channel Allocation Method. If NET or DTE is selected using the Assign To configuration option, this
configuration option designates the method for assigning DS0 channels to the destination T1 interface.
Block – Allocates DS0 channels to this port by the block method.
ACAMI – Allocates DS0 channels to this port by the Alternate Channel Alternate Mark Inversion method. The difference
between block and ACAMI is that the number of channels allocated with ACAMI is double the number needed for the port
rate. With ACAMI, every alternate DS0 channel does not carry data from the port but always transmits and receives all
Chan – Allocates DS0 channels to this port by the individual channel method.
NOTE: Changing this configuration option from one method to another (Block, ACAMI, or Chan) deallocates all DS0
channels assigned to either the network interface or the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.