Creating user-defined points of inter-
est (POIs)
Location/Folder to save
File name
POI data can be downloaded from the Internet
or created in a simple text editor in CSV (Comma
Separated Variable) file format.
There are two kinds of POI data supported by
the system:
● User POIs – user-defined points of interest
(POI) that can later be set as a destination
and found using route guidance.
● POI-warnings – user-supplied areas such as
hazard spots that the system displays in a
pop-up window when the vehicle is ap-
proaching the designated area.
Perform the following procedure to create your
own User POIs:
1. Connect a USB mass storage device to
your personal computer.
2. Use a standard software program to create
a list of POIs. Make sure the software can
support the CSV file format.
3. In the first column, enter the longitude value
of the position of the POI.
4. In the second column, enter the latitude
value of the position of the POI.
5. In the third column, enter the name of the
POI. Information entered in the fourth
column, such as address or phone number,
will be appended to the name of the POI.
6. Add more rows if necessary.
7. Save the file with the extension .csv (for
example, myplacesfile.csv).
4-22 Navigation