– In order to avoid a traffic accident,
operate the system only when the
vehicle is stopped at a safe place
and the parking brake is on.
– In order to avoid a traffic accident
or traffic offence, remember that
actual road conditions and traffic
regulations take precedence over
the information contained on the
navigation system.
– The software may contain inaccu-
rate or incomplete information
due to the passage of time,
changing circumstances, and the
sources of information used.
Please respect current traffic con-
ditions and regulations at all
times while driving.
– Where actual road conditions and
highway regulations differ from
the information contained on the
navigation system, abide by the
highway regulations.
– Keep the amount of time spent
viewing the screen while driving
to a strict minimum.
The navigation system does not provide, nor rep-
resent in any way information on: traffic and
highway regulations; technical aspects of the ve-
hicle including weight, height, width, load and
speed limits; road conditions including grade,
percentage of incline and surface conditions;
obstacles such as the height and width of
bridges and tunnels; and other current driving or
road conditions. Always rely on your own judge-
ment when driving a car, taking into account cur-
rent driving conditions.
The company trademarks used in this product to
identify locations and business offices are the
trademarks of their respective owners. Their use
does not represent sponsorship, approval or
recommendation of this product by these
The data (“Data”) is provided for your personal,
internal use only and not for resale. It is pro-
tected by copyright, and is subject to the follow-
ing terms and conditions which are agreed to by
you, on the one hand, and NISSAN and its licen-
sors (including their licensors and suppliers) on
the other hand.
© 2009 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved.
The Data for areas of Canada includes informa-
tion taken with permission from Canadian
authorities, including: © Her Majesty the Queen
in Right of Canada, © Queen’s Printer for
Ontario, © Canada Post Corporation,
GeoBaseா, © Department of Natural Resources
NAVTEQ holds a non-exclusive license from the
United States Postal Serviceா to publish and sell
ZIP+4ா information.
©United States Postal Serviceா 2009. Prices
are not established, controlled or approved by
the United States Postal Serviceா. The following
trademarks and registrations are owned by the
USPS: United States Postal Service, USPS, and
Terms and conditions
Personal Use Only:
You agree to use this Data together with
NISSAN Automotive Products for the solely
personal, non-commercial purposes for which
you were licensed, and not for service bureau,
timesharing or other similar purposes.
Accordingly, but subject to the restrictions set
forth in the following paragraphs, you may copy
this Data only as necessary for your personal use
to view it, and save it, provided that you do not
3-10 Map settings