90 Chapter 13 — The Toolbar | Hand Tool
Hand Tool
The hand tool enables you to move within an image. Select this tool when viewing an image that does not
fit in the image window. Click and drag to reposition the contents of the window.
Double-click this tool to fit the current image to the editor so that the entire image fits into the space
Zoom Tool
The zoom tool is used to zoom into and out from an image. Select this tool and click on the image to zoom
in. Hold the Alt key (Windows) or option key (Macintosh) and click to zoom out.
Double click on the zoom tool to zoom the current image to 100%.
H key
Temporarily switch to the hand tool when
any other tool is active: Spacebar
Z key
Zoom in when any other tool is active:
Ctrl + spacebar keys (Windows)
command + spacebar keys (Macintosh)
Zoom out when any other tool is active:
Ctrl + Alt + spacebar keys (Windows)
command + option + spacebar keys