144 Chapter 15 — Edit List | Adjust Section
Choose from the following options:
❏ Hide Selection
The Hide Selection option prevents the current selection from being displayed in the image window,
showing only the image.
❏ Show Overlay
The Show Overlay option displays the selection as a semi-transparent color overlay, superimposed on
top of your image. Anywhere this color overlay is displayed, the current step’s adjustment is being
applied. Anywhere the image is displayed, no enhancement is being applied. You can control the color
and opacity of the overlay within the “Preferences” dialog.
❏ Show Mask
The Show Mask option displays the current selection as a black and white mask; black areas indicate
that no enhancement is being applied to that area while white areas are being affected by the current
step’s enhancements.
Base Mask
The Base Mask slider provides control over the amount of application the current step is providing on the
image. At 0%, the current step will not affect the image, while at 100%, the current step will have full affect
on the image.
When using the (+) option for one of the selection tools, such as a Selection Control Point or Selection
Brush, the Base Mask slider will automatically move to 0%. This enables the selection tool to create a mask
whose effect is visible in the image. You may at any point move that slider back to another value.
The effect of the Base Mask slider is considered in combination with the other types of selective control
provided within an adjustment step. The effects of the other selection tools will be considered before
displaying the final image.
Selection Control Points Section
The “Selection Control Points” section displays a list of the selection control points added to the current
step. Clicking on the show/hide triangle for any of the selection control points listed here will display the
Size and Opacity settings for that selection control point. Click on the numerical readout to enter a new
value for that selection control point, or click on the selection control point label to highlight the selection
control point. You can then delete the selection control point to prevent it from affecting the application
of the current step’s enhancement.
The effect of the “Selection Control Points” section is considered in combination with the other types of
selective control provided within an adjust step. The effect of the selection control points is applied on top
of the Base Mask slider. That is, selection control points set to a higher opacity value than the Base Mask
slider will apply more of the current step’s enhancement to the area selected by that Selection Control
Point. Selection Control Points set to a lower opacity value than the Base Mask slider will apply less of the
current step’s enhancement to the area selected by that selection control point.
To remove a selection control point, click on the delete button next to the control point that you would
like to remove.