User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WPN111
Introd u ction 2-5
Exchange files
between a
connected P C
and other
com puters in a
my combined
wireless and
wired network.
1 . U se the W indows
fe a tu re to b rowse
for com p u te rs i n
the combined
wireless and wired
2. Browse the hard
drive of the target
computer in the
n e twork i n ord e r to
l o ca te th e d i re cto ry
or files you want to
work with.
3. U se the W indows
Explorer copy and
paste functions to
exchange files
b e twe e n th e
com puters.
1. The PC I am using to
con n e c t to th e wire l e s s
network needs to be
con fi g u re d w i th th e
W indows Client and File
and P rint Sharing.
2. The PC I am using to
con n e c t to th e wire l e s s
network needs to be
con fi g u re d w i th th e s a m e
W indows W orkgroup or
D om a i n s e tti n g s a s th e
other W indows com p uters
in the com bined wireless
and wired network.
3. Any W indows networking
secu rity access rights
such as login user name/
password that have been
assigned in the W indows
network or for sharing
particular files must be
provid ed when W indows
prompts for such
inform ation.
4. If so-called W indows
‘peer’ W orkgroup
networking is being used,
the drive, file system
d irectory, or file need to be
enabled for sharing.
F or assistance with W indows
networking software, see
“P rep a ring You r C om p u ters for
TC P /IP N etworking” on page C -1
for configuration scenarios or
refer to th e H elp system in clu d ed
with your version of W indows.
W indows D omain settings are
usually managed by corporate
computer support groups.
W indows W orkgroup settings
are commonly managed by
individuals who want to set up
s m a l l n e twork s i n th e i r h o m e s , o r
small offices.
F or assistance with setting up
W indows networking, refer to the
P C N etworking Tutorial on the
W ireless U S B 2 .0 A d ap ter
WPN111 Resource CD and the
H elp inform ation provided in the
W indows system you are using.
Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here
If I Want To? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I?