Reference Manual for the Broadband Voice Adapter TA612V
Network and Routing Basics B-3
202-10037-01, March 2005
Figure B-1: Three Main Address Classes
The five address classes are:
• Class A
Class A addresses can have up to 16,777,214 hosts on a single network. They use an eight-bit
network number and a 24-bit node number. Class A addresses are in this range:
1.x.x.x to 126.x.x.x.
• Class B
Class B addresses can have up to 65,354 hosts on a network. A Class B address uses a 16-bit
network number and a 16-bit node number. Class B addresses are in this range:
128.1.x.x to 191.254.x.x.
• Class C
Class C addresses can have 254 hosts on a network. Class C addresses use 24 bits for the
network address and eight bits for the node. They are in this range:
192.0.1.x to 223.255.254.x.
• Class D
Class D addresses are used for multicasts (messages sent to many hosts). Class D addresses are
in this range: to
• Class E
Class E addresses are for experimental use.
lass A
etwork Node
lass B
lass C
Network Node
Network Node