Contents vii
Appendix C
Preparing Your PCs for Network Access
P reparing Your Computers for TCP /IP N etworking ....................................................... C-1
Configuring W indows 98 and M e for TCP /IP N etworking .............................................. C-1
Install or Verify W indows N etworking Components ................................................. C-1
E nabling D H C P in W indows 98 and M e .................................................................. C-3
Selecting W indows’ Internet Access M ethod .......................................................... C-5
Verifying TCP /IP P roperties .................................................................................... C-5
C onfigu ring W ind ows 2000 or XP for TC P /IP N etworking .............................................C-6
Install or Verify W indows N etworking Components ................................................. C-6
D H C P C onfiguration of TC P /IP in W indows XP or 2000 ......................................... C-7
D H C P Configuration of TCP /IP in W indows XP ..................................................... C -7
D H C P C onfiguration of TC P /IP in W indows 2000 .................................................. C-9
Verifying TC P /IP P rop erties for W ind ows XP or 2000 ........................................... C-11