Troubleshooting 5-1
Chapter 5
This chapter provides information about troubleshooting your NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless
USB 2.0 Adapter WPN111. After each problem description, instructions are given to help you
diagnose and solve the problem.
Also, for problems with accessing network resources, the Windows software might not be installed
and configured properly on your computers. Please refer to Appendix C, “Preparing Your PCs for
Network Access” of the Reference Manual on the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0
Adapter WPN111 Resource CD.
Basic Tips
If you have problems connecting to your wireless network, try the tips below.
Symptom Cause Solution
T h e L E D i s n o t l i t. T h e W P N 1 1 1 i s n o t
connected to the
USB port properly or
the WPN111
software is not
load ed .
R em ove and rein sert th e W P N 1 1 1 .
C h e c k th e W i n d o ws d e vice m a n a g e r to s e e i f th e W P N 1 1 1 i s
recognized and enabled. R eload the W P N 111 software, if
Try to install the W P N 111 in a different U SB slot on your system
if one is available.
The wireless LE D
blinks and cannot
connect to an
access p oint.
The WPN111 is
a tte m p ti n g to
connect to an access
p o i n t, b u t c a n n ot
The access point m ay not be powered on. O r, the access point
a n d th e W P N 1 1 1 a re n ot c o n fi g u re d w i th th e s a m e wi re le s s
p a ra m e te rs. C h e ck th e S S I D a n d W E P s e tti n g s .
I can connect to
an access point,
b u t I ca n n o t
connect to other
com p uters on the
network or the
This could be a
physical layer
problem or a network
C heck to make sure that the access point is physically
con n e c te d to th e E th e rn e t n e twork .
M ake sure that the IP addresses and the W indows networking
p aram eters are all configu red correctly.
R estart the cable or D S L modem , router, access p oint, and
notebook P C .
Refer to “A R oad M ap for ‘H ow to G et There F rom H ere’” on
page 2-2 fo r a d d i ti on a l s u g g e s ti on s .