
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
10-8 Routing Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
Mode Interface Config
no ip address
This command deletes an IP address from an interface.
The value for <ipaddr> is the IP Address of the interface.
The value for <subnetmask> is a 4-digit dotted-decimal number which represents the Subnet Mask
of the interface.
no ip address <ipaddr> <subnetmask> [secondary]
Mode Interface Config
ip route
This command configures a static route. The <ip_addr> is a valid ip address. The <subnet_mask>
is a valid subnet mask. The <nextHopRtr> is a valid IP address of the next hop router. The
<preference> is an integer value from 1 to 255.
preference - 1
Format ip route <ip_addr> <subnet_mask> <nextHopRtr> [<pref-
Mode Global Config
no ip route
This command deletes all next hops to a destination static route. If the optional <nextHopRtr>
parameter is designated, the next hop is deleted and if the optional preference value is designated,
the preference value of the static route is reset to its default,
no ip route <ip_addr> <subnet_mask> [{<nextHopRtr> |
Mode Global Config
ip route default
This command configures the default route. The value for <nextHopRtr> is a valid IP address of
the next hop router. The <preference> is an integer value from 1 to 255
preference - 1