
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
8-104 Switching Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
Mode Global Config
show gmrp configuration
This command displays Generic Attributes Registration Protocol (GARP) information for one or
all interfaces.
show gmrp configuration {<slot/port> | all}
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
Interface This displays the slot/port of the interface that this row in the table describes.
Join Timer Specifies the interval between the transmission of GARP PDUs registering (or
re-registering) membership for an attribute. Current attributes are a VLAN or
multicast group. There is an instance of this timer on a per-Port, per-GARP par-
ticipant basis. Permissible values are 10 to 100 centiseconds (0.1 to 1.0 sec-
onds). The factory default is 20 centiseconds (0.2 seconds). The finest
granularity of specification is 1 centisecond (0.01 seconds).
Leave Timer Specifies the period of time to wait after receiving an unregister request for an
attribute before deleting the attribute. Current attributes are a VLAN or multi-
cast group. This may be considered a buffer time for another station to assert
registration for the same attribute in order to maintain uninterrupted service.
There is an instance of this timer on a per-Port, per-GARP participant basis. Per-
missible values are 20 to 600 centiseconds (0.2 to 6.0 seconds). The factory
default is 60 centiseconds (0.6 seconds). The finest granularity of specification
is 1 centisecond (0.01 seconds).
LeaveAll Timer This Leave All Time controls how frequently LeaveAll PDUs are generated. A
LeaveAll PDU indicates that all registrations will shortly be deregistered. Par-
ticipants will need to rejoin in order to maintain registration. There is an
instance of this timer on a per-Port, per-GARP participant basis. The Leave All
Period Timer is set to a random value in the range of LeaveAllTime to
1.5*LeaveAllTime. Permissible values are 200 to 6000 centiseconds (2 to 60
seconds). The factory default is 1000 centiseconds (10 seconds). The finest
granularity of specification is 1 centisecond (0.01 seconds).
Port GMRP Mode Indicates the GMRP administrative mode for the port. It may be enabled or dis-
abled. If this parameter is disabled, Join Time, Leave Time and Leave All Time
have no effect. The factory default is disabled.
show mac-address-table gmrp
This command displays the GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP) entries in the
Multicast Forwarding Database (MFDB) table.
show mac-address-table gmrp