6-24 Chapter 6: Diagnostics Specification
Test Encrypt
If DUKPT is selected, the NCR 5992
performs the encryption and displays 2
lines. The first line of 16 Characters
represents the encrypted PIN block. The
second line of 20 characters represents the
KSN (Key Serial Number)
Press any key to return to the Test Encrypt
Test Encrypt
If Master / Session is selected, the NCR 5992
performs the encryption and displays the 16
characters generated. This indicates the
encrypted PIN block. The numbers
generated will be the same for each NCR
5992 with the same Master/Session keys.
Press any key to return to the Test Encrypt
Test Encrypt
Session Key
Injects a known session key into the given
index (Refer to Index Select).
: This is a legacy command and
should not be used with units in the field as
it will over-write the injected session key.
Test Encrypt
Index Select
Use to select one of the 10 (0-9)
Master/Session key sets or one of the 4 (0-3)
DUKPT keys.
Note: Test encrypt works by building an ANSI PIN block with a
known account number and PIN as defined in the VISA document
“Point-of-Sale Equipment Requirements”
, PIN Processing and Data
Authentication, International Version 1.0, August, 1988.