
6-8 Chapter 6: Diagnostics Specification
T1 through T3 (track 1, 2 and 3) accumulates and displays the number
of times a card was successfully swiped and read correctly for that
track. TOT keeps a running tally of how many card swipes have been
performed. If an error is detected for a track, the error code displays.
The following table shows the error codes and their associated
LRCE Longitudinal Redundancy Check Error
NoES No End Sentinel character
NoFS No Field Separator
NoSS No Start Sentinel character
NTrk No Card Track Installed
ParE Parity Error
PrsE Parse Error
???? Unknown card type for track
The following screen shows an example of 5 good reads for track 1, a
parse error on track 2 data, track 3 not installed, and a total of 5 card
T1= 005 T2= PrsE
T3= NTrk TOT=005
The test ends when the Cancel key is pressed and the MSR Test screen
is displayed. The keypad Yes and No keys are used to navigate
through the available diagnostic test menus, or press Cancel to exit the
session and start the 5992 application.