Chapter 1: Product Overview 1-17
Cash Drawer I/O Port Bit Definition:
Bit # Description Bit = 1 Bit = 0
7 Solenoid B Control Turns off solenoid
Activates solenoid
6 Solenoid A Control Turns off solenoid
Activates solenoid
5 Reserved Reserved Reserved
4 Reserved Reserved Reserved
3 Solenoid B Status
Solenoid B output
Solenoid B output
2 Solenoid A Status Solenoid A output
Solenoid A output
1 Reserved Reserved Reserved
0 Cash Drawer(s) Status Drawer(s) open Drawer(s) closed
Note: Bits 2 and 3 are set to ‘1’ by each device reset.
The cash drawer interface can be diagnosed remotely. For security
reasons, the cash drawer diagnostics mode must first be activated by
pressing an external momentary switch (SW2). The intention is for
authorized personnel to be present when the cash drawer diagnostic
tests take place.
There is only one cash drawer status signal; therefore, bit 0 is the status
of either cash drawer or
both cash drawers.
Power LED
The Processor Board provides support for an external power LED
through the onboard Motion/Power LED connector. This LED is
controlled through the SMC 37C935 GPIO pins. Once the SMC chip is
programmed to support the Power LED function on GPIO pin 13, the
LED is turned “on” anytime all power to the Processor Board is good.
The system’s power management software has the option to turn the
LED off indicating the system is in a power-managed mode.