National Instruments Corporation G-11 VXI-MIO Series User Manual
internal sources such as semiconductors, resistors, and capacitors.
Noise corrupts signals you are trying to send or receive.
NRSE nonreferenced single-ended mode—All measurements are made
with respect to a common (NRSE) measurement system
reference, but the voltage at this reference can vary with respect
to the measurement system ground.
OLE Object Linking and Embedding—A set of system services that
provides a means for applications to interact and interoperate.
Based on the underlying Component Object Model, OLE is
object-enabling system software. Through OLE Automation, an
application can dynamically identify and use the services of other
applications, to build powerful solutions using packaged
software. OLE also makes it possible to create compound
documents consisting of multiple sources of information from
different applications.
onboard channels Channels provided by the plug-in data acquisition board.
operating system Base-level software that controls a computer, runs programs,
interacts with users, and communicates with installed hardware or
peripheral devices.
optical isolation The technique of using an optoelectric transmitter and receiver to
transfer data without electrical continuity, to eliminate high-
potential differences and transients.
OUT output
output limits The upper and lower voltage or current outputs for an analog
output channel. The output limits determine the polarity and
voltage reference settings for a board.
output settling time The amount of time required for the analog output voltage to
reach its final value within specified limits.
PC personal computer
PFI Programmable Function Input
PGIA Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier