Appendix A Specifications for VXI-MIO-64XE-10
VXI-MIO Series User Manual A-12
National Instruments Corporation
Dynamic Characteristics
All gains..................................... 255 kHz
Settling time for full-scale step, all gains and ranges
To ±0.5 LSB............................... 50 µs typ
To ±1 LSB.................................. 25 µs typ
To ±6 LSB.................................. 10 µs typ
System noise (including quantization noise)
Gain = 1, 2, 5, 10........................ 0.6 LSB rms bipolar,
0.8 LSB rms unipolar
Gain = 20.................................... 0.7 LSB rms bipolar,
1.1 LSB rms unipolar
Gain = 50.................................... 1.1 LSB rms bipolar,
2.0 LSB rms unipolar
Gain = 100.................................. 2.0 LSB rms bipolar,
3.8 LSB rms unipolar
Dynamic range...................................91.7 dB, full-scale input with
gain 1 to 10
Crosstalk............................................-70 dB max, DC to 100 kHz
Recommended warm-up time.............15 min.
Offset temperature coefficient
Pregain ....................................... ±5 µV/°C
Postgain...................................... ±120 µV/°C
Gain temperature coefficient..............±7 ppm/°C
Onboard calibration reference
Level..................................................5.000 V (±0.5 mV) (actual value
stored in EEPROM)
Temperature coefficient .....................±0.6 ppm/°C max
Long-term stability ............................±6 ppm/
1,000 h