Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility
National Instruments Corporation 6-23 VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris
In a VXI/VMEbus/MXIbus system, you can configure some
VXI/VME-MXI-2 modules for normal operating mode and others for
interlocked arbitration mode. The VXI/VMEbus mainframes
configured in interlocked arbitration mode will be interlocked with each
other and the mainframes configured for normal operating mode can
perform transfers in parallel.
This type of system configuration is recommended if you have one of
the following situations:
• A VXI/VMEbus mainframe with only slave devices and no
masters. Without bus masters, there is no chance for deadlock. You
can configure the VXI/VME-MXI-2 devices in this mainframe for
normal operating mode.
• A VXI/VMEbus mainframe with both masters and slaves, but the
masters communicate only with the slaves in their mainframe. The
masters never attempt transfers across the MXIbus, so there is no
chance for deadlock when a MXIbus master attempts a transfer
into the VXI/VMEbus mainframe. You can configure the
VXI/VME-MXI-2 devices in this mainframe for normal operating
• A VXI/VMEbus mainframe in which all masters that perform
cycles across the MXIbus support the VME64 RETRY protocol.
You can configure the VXI/VME-MXI-2 devices in this mainframe
for normal operating mode because all masters that could cause a
deadlock will automatically retry the operation.
VXI/VME Bus Options
Use the options in this group to control features of the VXI/VMEbus
interface on the VXI/VME-MXI-2.
VMEbus System Controller
You can use the System Controller control to override the jumper
setting on the VXI-MXI-2. The VME-MXI-2 does not have an onboard
jumper setting for this option. When the Auto setting (the default
setting) is active, the onboard jumper setting determines if the
VXI-MXI-2 is the VXI Slot 0 device. For more information, refer to the
VXIbus Slot 0/Non-Slot 0 section in Chapter 3, VXI-MXI-2
Configuration and Installation.