VXI/VME-PCI8022 for Solaris G-8
National Instruments Corporation
RESMAN The name of the National Instruments Resource Manager in NI-VXI bus
interface software. See Resource Manager.
Resource Manager A message-based Commander located at Logical Address 0, which
provides configuration management services such as address map
configuration, Commander and Servant mappings, and self-test and
diagnostic management.
s seconds
Servant A device controlled by a Commander; there are message-based and
register-based Servants.
Shared Memory A communication protocol that uses a block of memory that is
Protocol accessible to both a client and a server. The memory block operates as
a message buffer for communications.
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module
slave A functional part of a MXI/VME/VXIbus device that detects data
transfer cycles initiated by a VMEbus master and responds to the
transfers when the address specifies one of the device’s registers.
slave-mode operation A device is in slave mode it if is responding to a bus cycle.
Slot 0 device A device configured for installation in Slot 0 of a VXIbus mainframe.
This device is unique in the VXIbus system in that it performs the
VMEbus System Controller functions, including clock sourcing and
arbitration for data transfers across the backplane. Installing such a
device into any other slot can damage the device, the VXIbus
backplane, or both.
statically configured A device whose logical address cannot be set through software;
device that is, it is not dynamically configurable.
SYSFAIL A VMEbus signal that is used by a device to indicate an internal failure.
A failed device asserts this line. In VXI, a device that fails also clears
its PASSed bit in its Status register.
SYSRESET A VMEbus signal that is used by a device to indicate a system reset or
power-up condition.