Appendix B Hardware Configuration
NI 8352/8353 User Manual B-12 ni.com
Serial Port Header: COM2
The motherboard includes two serial headers, COM1 (J31) and COM2.
COM1 is a port located next to VGA port.
Figure B-16. Serial Port Header (COM2)
PCI Express Slot
The mainboard provides one PCI Express x8 slot. This PCIE_1 slot accepts
x8 cards and runs at x8 speeds, with an extra PCIE_3 slot for riser cards.
The slot is PCI Express Specification v1.0a compliant. (You cannot
directly plug in a PCI Express board. The riser card is required to provide
power to the board.)
Figure B-17. PCI Express Slot
Table B-5. Serial Port Header Connector Signals
Pin Signal Name Signal Description
1 CD Data carry detect
2 RD Serial in or receive data
3 TD Serial out of transmit data
4 DTR Data terminal ready
5 GND Ground
6 DSR Data set ready
7 RTS Request to send
8 CTS Clear to send
9 RI Ring indicate