
NI 8352/8353 User Manual I-4 ni.com
DIMM location (figure), B-14
Discard Changes, 2-22
Discrete MTRR Allocation, 2-10
DMA Channel, 2-15
DMI Event Logging, 2-15
conventions used in manual, ix
NI resources, D-1
related documentation, x
NI resources, D-1
obtaining latest drivers, 4-4
drivers (NI resources), D-1
dual-channel memory configuration, B-15
DVD-ROM connector, B-21
ECC Conditions, 2-11
ECC Error Handler, 2-11
ECC Event Logging, 2-16
electrical specifications, A-1
electromagnetic compatibility
specifications, A-4
Enable Master, 2-10
environmental management
specifications, A-5
environmental specifications, A-3
Ethernet connector and signals, 3-7
location and pinout (figure), 3-7
signals (table), 3-8
Ethernet, overview (table), 3-1
Event Log Capacity, 2-16
Event Log Control, 2-19
Event Log Validity, 2-15
Event Logging, 2-16
examples (NI resources), D-1
Excluded from Boot Orders, 2-21
Existing Event Log Number, 2-19
Exit, 2-21
Exit Discarding Changes, 2-21
Exit Saving Changes, 2-21
Extended Memory, 2-7
fan power connectors (Fan1 to Fan6), B-11
pinout (figure), B-11
signals (table), B-11
Fan Speed Control Modes, 2-17
Fan1–Fan6 Speeds, 2-17
Firmware Version, 2-18
Fixed Disk Boot Sector, 2-21
Floppy Disk Controller, 2-15
floppy drive, using external floppy drive, 4-4
Flow Control, 2-17
four identical DIMMs (figure), B-18
Frequency for PCI-X, 2-10
Frequency Ratio, 2-12
front panel connector (JF1), B-8
pinout (figure), B-8
signals (table), B-9
front USB connectors (USB 3/4 and USB 5/6)
pinout (figure), B-10
signals (table), B-10
GLAN1/GLAN2 jumper (JPL1/JPL2)
settings, B-4
ground, connecting, 2-3
hard disk drives
recovery, 2-28
specifications, A-3
upgrading and replacing, B-20
installation, B-22
SATA connectors supported, SATA0
to SATA3, B-21