Chapter 7 Interactive Control Utility
NI-488.2 User Manual 7-6 ni.com
Table 7-1. Syntax for Device-Level Traditional NI-488.2 Calls in Interactive Control
Syntax Description
ibask option Return configuration information where option is a mnemonic for
a configuration parameter.
ibclr Clear specified device.
ibconfig option
Alter configurable parameters where option is mnemonic for
a configuration parameter.
ibdev BdIndx pad
sad tmo eot eos
Open an unused device; ibdev parameters are BdIndx pad sad tmo
eot eos
ibeos v Change/disable EOS message.
ibeot v Enable/disable END message.
ibfind devname Return unit descriptor where devname is the symbolic name of the device
template to use (for example,
ibloc Go to local.
ibnotify mask Start an asynchronous wait for selected events where mask is a hex or
decimal integer or a list of mask bit mnemonics (for example,
ibonl v Place device online or offline.
ibpad v Change primary address.
ibpct Pass control.
ibppc v Parallel poll configure.
ibrd count Read data where count is the bytes to read.
ibrda count Read data asynchronously where count is the bytes to read.
ibrdf flname Read data to file where flname is pathname of file to read.
ibrpp Conduct a parallel poll.
ibrsp Return serial poll byte.
ibsad v Change secondary address.
ibstop Abort asynchronous operation.
ibtmo v Change/disable time limit.
ibtrg Trigger selected device.