Chapter 2 Measurement & Automation Explorer (Windows)
© National Instruments Corporation 2-13 NI-488.2 User Manual
5. Rename the template as described in your application documentation.
6. Click the OK button twice to save your changes and exit.
Enable/Disable NI-488.2 DOS Support
Note NI-488.2 DOS support is not available on Windows Vista or later operating systems.
To enable or disable NI-488.2 DOS support, complete the following steps:
1. Start Measurement & Automation Explorer as described in the
Starting Measurement & Automation Explorer section.
2. Click on your GPIB interface and select Tools»NI-488.2»
DOS Support... from the Explorer menu.
3. Enable or disable DOS support in the NI-488.2 Settings dialog box
and click OK.
4. If you are prompted to do so, restart your system.
Access Additional Help and Resources
To access additional help and resources for the NI-488.2 software and your
GPIB hardware, refer to the following sections.
NI-488.2 Online Help
The NI-488.2 Help addresses questions you might have about NI-488.2 and
includes a function reference and troubleshooting information. You can
access the NI-488.2 online help as follows:
1. Start Measurement & Automation Explorer as described in the
Starting Measurement & Automation Explorer section.
2. Select Help»Help Topics»NI-488.2.
National Instruments GPIB Web Site
You can access the National Instruments GPIB Web site as follows:
1. Start Measurement & Automation Explorer as described in the
Starting Measurement & Automation Explorer section.
2. Select Help»National Instruments on the Web»GPIB Home Page.