National Instruments Corporation G-9 DIO 6533 User Manual
RGND reserved ground
rms root mean square
RTSI Bus real-time system integration bus—the National Instruments timing bus
that connects DAQ boards directly, by means of connectors on top of
the boards, for precise synchronization of functions
s seconds
settling time the amount of time required for a voltage to reach its final value within
specified limits
S/s samples per second
STARTTRIG start trigger signal
STOPTRIG stop trigger signal
strobed digital I/O a type of digital input or output in which hardware uses timing signals
to regulate the rate of input or output. Types of strobed digital I/O
include handshaking and pattern generation.
switchless device devices that do not require dip switches or jumpers to configure
resources on the devices—also called Plug and Play devices
synchronous hardware—a property of an event that is synchronized to a reference
transfer rate the rate, measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destination after software initialization and set up operations; the
maximum rate at which the hardware can operate
trigger any event that causes, starts, or stops some form of data capture
tri-state a third output state, other than high or low, in which the output is