DIO 6533 User Manual G-2
National Instruments Corporation
A amperes
AC alternating current
ACK acknowledge signal
address character code that identifies a specific location (or series of locations)
in memory
ANSI American National Standards Institute
asynchronous hardware—a property of an event that occurs at an arbitrary time,
without synchronization to a reference clock
b bit—one binary digit, either 0 or 1
B byte—eight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number. Also used
to denote the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
base address a memory address that serves as the starting address for programmable
registers. All other addresses are located by adding to the base address.
bus the group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a
computer. Typically, a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or
other devices are connected. Examples of PC buses are the AT, EISA,
and PCI bus.
clock hardware component that controls timing for reading from or writing to
CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
CPU central processing unit
CPULL control pullup/pulldown selection