Chapter 3 PXI Serial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 3-21 Serial Hardware and Software for Windows
General Port Settings
The following sections describe the options you can set in the General
Port Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-11. General Port Settings Dialog Box
COM Port Number
You can use the COM Port Number control to change the logical COMx
name of the selected port.
Transceiver Mode
The Transceiver Mode list box shows the transceiver mode in use, and
applies only to RS-485 boards. For more information about transceiver
modes, refer to Chapter 6, Using Your Serial Hardware.
FIFO Enabled
You can use the FIFO Enabled checkbox to enable or disable the
FIFO buffers on the selected port. FIFO buffers are present on the
16550-compatible UARTs—one for the transmitter and one for the