Chapter 1 Introduction
Serial Hardware and Software for Windows 1-8 ni.com
NI-Serial Software Overview
The NI-Serial software for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x includes a native
Windows 2000/Me/9x device driver and Windows NT kernel driver that
provide full interrupt-driven, buffered I/O for multiple COM ports. You
can obtain a maximum baud rate of either 460.8 KBaud (PCI/PXI-485 kits)
or 115.2 KBaud (PCI/PXI/PCMCIA/AT-232 kits). You can also use up to
256 serial ports under Windows 2000 or up to 99 serial ports under
Windows NT/Me/9x. The NI-Serial software also includes a configuration
utility, which is fully integrated into the Windows 2000/Me/9x Device
Manager and Windows NT Control Panel. For more information about
software specifications, refer to Appendix E, Specifications.
The NI-Serial software includes the following components:
• Device driver
• Diagnostic utility
• Configuration utility
• Product manuals
Time-Saving Development Tools
Your kit includes the NI-Serial software for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x.In
addition, you can order the Measurement Studio or LabVIEW software
from National Instruments to speed your applicationdevelopment time and
make it easier to communicate with your instruments.
LabVIEW is an easy-to-use, graphical programming environment you can
use to acquire data from thousands of different instruments, including
IEEE 488.2 devices, VXI devices, serial devices, PLCs, and plug-in data
acquisition boards. After you have acquired raw data, you can convert it
into meaningful results using the powerful data analysis routines in
LabVIEW. LabVIEW also comes with hundreds of instrument drivers,
which dramatically reduce software development time, because you do not
have to spend time programming the low-level control of each instrument.