© National Instruments Corporation I-3 PCMCIA Serial for Windows Me/9x
NI-Serial setup screen (figure), 2-2
null-modem cabling in a DTE-to-DTE
interface (figure), A-6
optional equipment, 1-2
overview of serial hardware, 1-2
overview of serial software, 1-3
parity, 3-3
advanced transceiver control for, 4-1
setting transceiver control mode, 4-3
transceiver mode control modes
(table), 4-2
two-wire mode: DTR
controlled, 4-2
two-wire mode: DTR
with Echo, 4-2
two-wire mode: TXRDY
control, 4-3
physical characteristics, D-1
pin descriptions
connector pin descriptions
(table), 2-8
connector pin locations
(figure), 2-8
port settings tab, 3-2
figure, 3-2
advanced port settings, 3-3
bits per second, 3-3
data bits, 3-3
flow control, 3-3
parity, 3-3
stop bits, 3-3
restore defaults button, 3-4
ports list in device manager tab (figure), C-4
related documentation, xii
removing information about PCMCIA serial
cards from the device manager, C-7
resolving resource conflicts with legacy
boards, C-3
restoring defaults, 3-4
RS-232 standard, A-1
features (table), A-1
RS-422 standard, A-2
features (table), A-1
RS-485 standard, A-2
features (table), A-1
running the diagnostic test, 2-7
selecting an interface to uninstall (figure), B-2
selecting conflict-free resources, C-2
serial communication issues, A-3
DTE vs. DCE, A-5
duplex architectures, A-3
termination, A-5
serial hardware
forcing Windows to detect, C-3
general programming requirements, 4-1
installation, 2-3
overview, 1-2
selecting an interface to uninstall
(figure), B-2
uninstalling, B-1
using, 4-1
using with LabVIEW and
LabWindows/CVI, 1-4
serial port information, A-1
serial software
add/remove programs properties dialog
box (figure), B-3
installation, 2-1
overview, 1-3