Appendix C Troubleshooting and Common Questions
© National Instruments Corporation C-5 PCMCIA Serial for Windows Me/9x
Common Questions
How can I determine which type of serial hardware I have installed?
1. Select
Start»Settings»Control Panel
and double-click on the
2. Click on the
Device Manager
tab and click on the
View devices by
3. Double-click on the
Ports (COM & LPT)
icon to display a list of
installed ports.
How can I determine which version of the NI-Serial software I have
The Read Me file gives the version of the software. To open the file, select
Start»Programs»National Instruments Serial»Read Me.
What do I do if the diagnostic test fails with an error?
Refer to the Troubleshooting Diagnostic Messages section earlier in this
How can I determine which port is associated with COMx?
Refer to the section Determine Which Physical Port Is Associated with
COMx, in Chapter 2, Installation and Verification.
How can I change the COM number of my National Instruments serial
Table C-1 lists standard DOS-base addresses for serial ports.
Table C-1.
Standard DOS-Based Addresses
COM Port Base Address
COM1 3f8
COM2 2f8
COM3 3e8
COM4 2e8