This chapter shows how to log on to and log off from a WTS.
5-1. Logon to a WTS / Logoff from a WTS
Logon to a WTS
1. Follow the direction from (1) to (3), depending on the environment
of the eClient 620L.
(1) To connect and log on to a WTS through local network:
Go to step 2.
(2) To connect and log on to a WTS with dial-up connection:
Click an active button of a small window on the right bottom of the screen.
Clicking the button makes a dial-up connection.
Check the clock’s running, and go to step 2.
(3) To connect and log on to a WTS with dial-in connection:
Go to step 2.
2. Select the desired connection name from the [Connection] tab of
“Terminal Connection Manager”, click the [Connect] (or simply
double click the connection name.)
3. The eClient 620L connects to the WTS and the “Log On to
Windows” dialog box is displayed. Type your [User name] and
[Password], and click [OK] to log on to the WTS.
After logon, the 620L allows you to use Microsoft Windows applications running
on the WTS.