is for via points only. Your starting point and destination remain in their positions,
of course.
• Up and Down: using these buttons you can reorder the list by moving
the highlighted item up or down in the list. Info
This button opens the Route Information screen described here: Page 36. This
screen shows information about the current route and has a few additional options to
check and modify your active route.
4.7.4 Main button
The Main button at the bottom right corner leads to the Main menu screen described
here: Page 16.
4.8 Road safety cameras (where available)
Road safety cameras, such as speed cameras and red light cameras are special POI
types in MioMap. The application can warn you when you approach one of these
cameras. You can fine-tune this warning in General settings (Page 72).
You can save camera locations manually. It is described in detail at the Cursor menu
(Page 31).
Speed cameras are displayed with small camera symbols on the map.
Note: In North America safety camera locations are often not disclosed or available
and have to be manually added as appropriate.